Healthy food

People should eat healthy food for strong bones and healthy teeth.The healthest foods are vegetables and fruits. For example the apples, oranges, lemons and bananas have very much vitamins.It’s very important for our body. The people don’t enough healthy food eat and it’s usually the reason for many illnesses.

Impact of Climate Change on Human Health

There is a close link between local climate and the occurrence or severity of some diseases and other threats to human health. Extreme temperatures can directly cause the loss of life. Moreover, several serious diseases appear only in warm areas. Finally, warm temperatures can increase air and water pollution, which in turn harm human health. The most direct effect of climate change would be the impacts of hotter temperatures themselves. Extremely hot temperatures increase the number of people who die on a given day for many reasons: People with heart problems are vulnerable because their cardiovascular system must work harder to keep the body cool during hot weather.

Heat exhaustion and some respiratory problems increase. Higher air temperatures also increase the concentration of ozone at ground level. The natural layer of ozone in the upper atmosphere blocks harmful ultraviolet radiation from reaching the earth's surface; but in the lower atmosphere, ozone is a harmful pollutant.  Ozone damages lung tissue, and causes particular problems for people with asthma and other lung diseases. Even modest exposure to ozone can cause healthy individuals to experience chest pains, nausea, and pulmonary congestion. In much of the US, a warming of four degrees (F) could increase ozone concentrations by about 5 percent (US EPA).

Impact of Air Pollution and UV Radiation on Human Health

t is estimated that air pollution causes several hundred thousand deaths a year around the world. Although there is some controversy over the magnitude, some highly regarded academic experts have estimated that even with the US Clean Air Act, among the most stringent air quality laws in the world, as many as fifty thousand Americans annually die prematurely as a result of air pollution. Perhaps the leading cause of air pollution related death in both industrialized and developing countries is particulate matter - soot and dirt particles that cause respiratory failure.

Another major health concern is ground level ozone often experienced as urban smog. This can cause premature death and is the source of considerable discomfort and lost workdays in cities around the world. Lead emissions from gasoline have impaired intelligence of children and this realization has caused many countries to move toward a phase out of lead in fuels. Sulfur dioxide emissions may place asthmatics and others with respiratory disease at risk.

Generally the elderly and children are the most vulnerable groups. Just over 50 years ago the US was shaken by an air pollution disaster in Donora, a small Western Pennsylvania town that claimed 50 lives in a few days. Air pollution today poses risks to millions worldwide, especially children in the world's largest cities. A symposium held in Washington, DC in February 2000 highlighted the gravity of the air pollution problem in China.

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